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Website translation services

This publication is valuable for those who will invest in a multilingual website. Before spending money, it makes sense to do some research, calculations and find out how much website translation services cost and what factors affect it.

Philipp Konnov
15 January, 2023

site, website

The cost of website translation services depends on various criteria. Depending on the language into which the site is being translated, a professional translator or translation agency charges an average of 450-660 rubles for a text of 1800 characters, the cost can be calculated based on the number of words in the site content. The average rate per word is 1.3-3.5 rubles. per word of translation, however, these costs may be more or less depending on various factors, such as the urgency of the work, the complexity of layout.

Calculating the cost of website translation services based on a rate per word is one of the best options, as you can pay based on the number of words received after translating the text, regardless of the target language. In a page-by-page calculation, one has to take into account the different number of characters on a conditional page in different languages, while this difference becomes insignificant in the case of a word-by-word price calculation.

The cost of website translation services can be reduced if part of the website content that is not sensitive to grammatical and spelling inaccuracies in translation is performed using a machine translator. Thanks to artificial intelligence, you can translate your website completely into different languages. There are many translation tools available on the Internet, some of them are paid, some are free. Currently, machine translators provide incredibly accurate and high-quality translations, but no one will take responsibility for the quality and adequacy of such translations, so this method must be used with care.

The industry and topic of a site are among the decisive factors that determine the qualifications and profile of the translator involved in its translation. The website of the restaurant is completely different in structure and content from the website of a law firm: different terminology, style of presentation of information, graphic design that requires careful translation, as well as specialized experience.

The price of translation is directly related to the rates of translators and is determined depending on the demand or complexity of the language. There are several popular languages, like English and Spanish, for which the cost of translation is low. However, translating a site into Chinese, Arabic can be much more difficult and expensive.

Influence of the translator`s qualification on the cost of website translation
There is a huge difference between an experienced and a novice translator. Translation experience is one of the vital criteria for determining the cost of website translation.

When translating the site into English, we consistently involve a Russian-speaking translator who translates the texts of the site, and later - a native English speaker who checks and proofreads the finished translation. This procedure is more expensive for the client, but for sites intended for international use, this is the only correct option that gives the best result.

If you are looking to invest in a multilingual website, there are various factors to consider when it comes to the cost of website translation services.


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