24 May - The Day Of Slavonic Alphabet, Bulgarian Enlightenment and Culture |
May 24 is the Day Of Slavonic Alphabet, Bulgarian Enlightenment and Culture. This day has been celebrated for 160 years now – no other holiday was so long celebrated in Bulgarian late history.
Saints Kiril (Cyril) and Methody (Methodius) were two Byzantine Greek brothers born in Thessaloniki in the 9th century. They became missionaries of Christianity among the Slavic peoples of Bulgaria, Great Moravia and Pannonia. They are credited with devising the Glagolitic alphabet, the first alphabet used to transcribe Old Church Slavonic.
On May, 11 1851 a celebration was managed by Nayden Gerov at the eparchy school "St St Kiril and Methody" in the town of Plovdiv. This was the first time to be marked the Day of the Saint brothers Kiril and Methody. Since 1857 this day has been celebrated every year in Plovdiv, Lom, Tsarigrad and Shumen and it was no by accident that May, 11 was chosen - this is the common Church Holiday of the two Saints.
24th of May is a Day that has no analogue among the other nations and countries - the Day of literature, education, enlightenment and culture. The letters created by Kiril and Methody, their translations of the liturgical books, their fight to protect the rights of all nations to do honour of God in their own languages have a historical meaning to Bulgarian national developing and its well-being. Their life work is human, democratic, and Slavonic. It becomes part of the general human idea for equality at the spiritual area.
Прославленный автор "Алисы в стране чудес" был необычайным фантазером и выдающимся изобретателем новых понятий и слов. Помимо своих чудесных произведений, при прочтении которых дети попадают в удивительный сказочный мир, он обогатил английский язык рядом новых необычных понятий. |
It is not for the first time that we translate articles for a sneakers & tennis shoes magazine. The magazine is fully dedicated to sports footwear, its history and development, fashion trends, and various events and persons, which are connected, in one way or other, with the “sneaker culture” (where “sneakers” means sports shoes of a kind). |
Women are the real architects of society. - Harriet Beecher Stowe. |
| Весенняя викторинаКаждый третий участник получит по почте сувенир от нашего бюро переводов. |
L`année croisée France-Russie 2012 développera trois grands thèmes : la langue et la traduction, les rencontres littéraires et la langue en milieu scolaire. |
Columbus Day is a federal holiday celebrated on the second Monday in October each year. It is generally accepted that Christopher Columbus was the first European to have discovered the New World of the Americas in 1492. |
Международный день переводчика — профессиональный праздник устных и письменных переводчиков, который ежегодно отмечается 30 сентября. |
According to Oxford Dictionary "red": 1) of a colour at the end of the spectrum next to orange and opposite violet, as of blood, fire, or rubies; 2) (of hair or fur) of a reddish-brown colour; 3) used to denote something forbidden, dangerous, or urgent, etc. |
The cabinet to monitor and enforce the purity of the literary Bulgarian language became anxious about bad shape of their language. |
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""Chromomeres, topologically associating domains and structural organization of chromatin bodies in somatic nuclei (macronuclei) of ciliates" ", Научный перевод translation tags: научный, методология, результат, обработка.
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