Proofreading in English |
 The customers can be dissatisfied with the quality of the translation, but they are unable to estimate the quality by themselves and they want the translator to improve the text, to make it less awkward and formal, to shorten long expressions, to add some colloquial terms or, visa versa, to remove them from formal documents.
Flarus deals with text translations and proofreading on a daily basis: public documents, restaurant menus and technical manuals. After the translator’s work is done, all these texts need final proofreading to be done by a native speaker.
Proofreading is done by a native speaker after the translator’s work is done. It doesn’t mean that the latter failed to do his job properly. Even a most qualified translator who has been working in his field for decades can make a slip in his text from time to time. For instance in case of Russian-English translation a proofreading can find out some minor misuse of articles, endings and words concord – such grammar cases need not only a good command of the language, but a linguistic feeling that only native speakers have. We will give you several examples of sentences before and after native speaker’s proofreading. This is particularly so with public documents. See more...
Наши редакторы собрали основные правила оформления субтиров, использовав как ГОСТ, так и международные стандарты. Убрали на свой взгляд лишние, сократили остальные. |
Native English editing and proofreading services for authors wishing to publish their work, scientific article, manuscript or research in the Journal of Russian & East European Psychology. |
Headlines are only a few words long, but have the extraordinarily important task of persuading journal reviewers to read your article and publish it in the journal. |
Business correspondence, documentation, equipment operating instructions, quality and compliance certificates, and much more are included in the work of an Italian translator. |
Post-editing of machine generated translation is editing and proofreading of the text, resulting in a coherent, understandable, and usable contents for the client. |
Академическая письменная речь является относительно строгой. Редакторы бюро переводов Фларус подготовили серию советов, которые помогут сделать Ваш документ более "академическим" по стилю.
During the process of layout some words and hyphenations can be lost, the order of words or segments of text can be disrupted. |
Для клиентов, заказавших услугу письменного перевода в нашем бюро, мы предлагаем воспользоваться специальной скидкой в 30% на дополнительную вычитку перевода носителем языка. Зачем это нужно? |
Хороший текст должен быть понятным, ярким, легким для прочтения, не вызывать негативных ассоциаций. Такой "правильный" текст получается в результате профильного редактирования текста. |
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Latest translation:
"Счета / Invoices
", Финансовый перевод translation tags: баланс, достигнуть, отчетность.
Translations in process: 76 Current work load: 27% |
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