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History of translations: agriculture

Our translation agency is extensively cooperate with companies from agricultural sector. Agricultural sector is booming meaning that number of requests for translation of texts related to this sector are also increasing.

During last decades the Russian agricultural sector is rapidly growing and steps up to the higher level of production. Agriculture is a very important sector of industry of level of which the successful economic development as well as public health are generally dependent. The political situation connected with sanctions has given an all-powerful impulse to development of this field. Recently we can observe a trend to increasing of requests for translations related to agricultural sector.

"Flarus" translation agency has a staff of competent translators, which are expertly produce translations related to agriculture. Large amount of translations is dedicated to technical aspect of this industry. We have translated various operation manuals, technical data sheets and manuals to farm machinery: combined harvesters, tractors, mills seed planters and ploughs. Examples of recent translations include technical data sheet for carbamide silo installation, instruction for use of harrow and manual for rotary drum separator.

Fertilizers application instructions a separate chapter in agricultural translations. Our translators have produced a translation of text on methods of pesticides application, studies on the manner of plant growth promotion, descriptions of to quick-acting and multifunctional action fertilizers. Our agency even was busy with translation of Codex of Committee on contaminants in alimentary production.

Another subject of activity of our translators is stock-raising and farming. We have translated certificate of sanitary condition of feed stuff and supplementary feeds, intervention program on poultry, slaughtery machine installation manual, operating manual for diet feeder, description of rabbit farm equipment and poultry farm certificate of compliance.

High rate agroindustry development results in invention diverse innovative technologies, which allow to strengthen agriculture and give a new impulse to increase in efficiency. Our translation agency is extensively working together with companies, dealing with cutting-edge technologies in the field of agribusiness making among other things professional translation of patents.


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"Спортивная" викторина

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Latest translation:
"Анализ арочных мостов с привязкой на случай внезапного отказа подвески / Analysis of tied-arch bridges to sudden hanger failure", Научный перевод

translation tags: подход, воздействие, морской, основание.

Translations in process: 80
Current work load: 55%

Поиск по сайту:

История переводов: агропромышленность

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Подписка на рассылку
избранных новостей
(~1 раз в месяц)

Переводы инструкций для лабораторного оборудования и приборов
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словарь блюза (Алексей Аграновский)

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Россия, Москва,
ул. Барклая, 13, стр. 2
схема проезда

+7 495 504-71-35

Заказ: info@flarus.ru