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Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Among the clients of our translation agency there is a company that supplies and maintains machinery and equipment for the construction of tunnels, in particular, the Moscow metro. Our translators have repeatedly translated supply contracts, operating and maintenance instructions for German-made tunneling shields.

Philipp Konnov
30 November, 2023

tunneling, construction, tunnel

The main languages of the documents were English and German. Accordingly, glossaries for these languages were compiled based on documents received for translation and uploaded into our database. We allow these glossaries to be used in the public domain with limited functionality on the online glossary website.

Currently, most equipment (boring shields, hydraulic units, cutters, bits, etc.) are imported from China. Not without surprise, it turned out that heavy engineering is well developed in China and there are many companies that create quite competitive equipment for drilling and tunneling. The last translations we performed on tunneling shields were from Chinese. And it became obvious that in the translation business it is necessary to recognize the terminological hole in the Chinese direction. Despite the presence of a fairly large number of Chinese translators, there were very few specialists in narrow technical topics.

Our editorial department had to start work on compiling the glossary all over again. We found instructions in Chinese, dictionaries and glossaries compiled by different companies in China and began parsing these documents. As a result, structured dictionaries and glossaries were created in the areas of Chinese-Russian and Chinese-English, which can also be used freely on our website.

Glossary of tunneling shields
The glossary includes terms that are regional in nature, not specific to English-speaking countries, but widely used in the English-language geological literature. The dictionary is intended for translators of specialized technical texts.


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Latest translation:
"Инструкция по установке / Installation instructions", Технический перевод

translation tags: документальный, руководство, инструкция.

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Current work load: 31%

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