Chatbot machine learning language service |
We recently translated data to train an AI chatbot. The customer was an advertising agency, which in turn was hired by the ticketing service. In total, the project implemented 4,500 question-and-answer scenarios for site users.
For each scenario, our linguists had to come up with 15-20 ways to ask the same question, using different tags and keywords and without repeating sentences. The initial information was the answer to these possible questions.
Chatbots using machine learning need to be provided with a lot of training data. You need to write hundreds or even thousands of statements that reflect what your target user might ask the chatbot and how they might ask it.
In fact, many of the world`s largest translation agencies are already promoting machine learning services. The artificial intelligence industry is only set to grow, and the demand for data to train chatbots is another example of how technology is creating new opportunities for translators.
Servicios de redactores y correctores de textos hecho por ruso parlantes.
Yakın zamanda bir yapay zeka sohbet robotunu eğitmek için verileri çevirdik. Müşteri, bilet servisi tarafından işe alınan bir reklam ajansıydı. Projede site kullanıcıları için toplamda 4.500 soru-cevap senaryosu uygulandı. |
Recientemente tradujimos datos para entrenar un chatbot de IA. El cliente era una agencia de publicidad, que a su vez era contratada por el servicio de venta de entradas. En total, el proyecto implementó 4500 escenarios de preguntas y respuestas para los usuarios del sitio. |
Free service of civil documents translation was created by the editors and translators of our company. There you can find different types of references, POAs (powers of attorney), diplomas, certificates, passports and other standard and essential for everyday life documents. |
Depending on the linguistic tasks, there are different types of translation and technological processes of their implementation. How does each of these criteria affect the cost of translation? |
Professional translation is a creative process regardless of a target language, subject matter, and specialization. |
Why can medical translations rates be higher than common translations rates? |
In June 2006, Jeff Howe, editor at Wired magazine, published an article called «The Rise of Crowdsourcing». In this way, a neologism – crowdsourcing (crowd, sourcing) - was coined. |
We value our clients who need language services on regular basis, who order solid translations. That is why I, the Chief of Flarus Translation Company, will try to explain key aspects appearing in implementation of the large orders. |
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Latest translation:
"Свидетельство о рождении / Birth certificate", Личные документы translation tags: собственность, страховой, письменный.
Translations in process: 78 Current work load: 37% |
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