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Free service of templates documents translation - TemplateTranslation.ru

Free service of civil documents translation was created by the editors and translators of our company. There you can find different types of references, POAs (powers of attorney), diplomas, certificates, passports and other standard and essential for everyday life documents.

Philipp Konnov
28 April, 2020

Moreover, the total number of document templates used by people for personal purposes is really higher than their number hosted on our service. As a result, the project will provide real assistance only to people with a necessity to a truly formulaic and standard document. But the majority of civil documents have to be translated over and over again.

See project - TemplateTranslation.ru

The document database is constantly seeding by our specialists, however, the document you need is absent on our service or there’s no translation to the language you need. In case you haven’t find the translation template or translate the civil document yourself, contact the manager of our translation agency with a personal request. All types of translation services are made for a fee.

You’ll be provided a pricing with all possible discounts. In addition, we will take into account your desire to depersonalize the document (remove your personal data and add there the empty fields) and the potential traction of this template on the service. So, as far as it’s possible, we’ll give you an additional discount on translation service in return for your permission to use the template on our service. Sometimes the discount can be up to 100%, because some document templates are so popular, i.e. we’ll provide the translation for free to host the translation template on the service.

If you’d like to know the translation cost and the document relish for our project, please, contact us via e-mail.


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Publication in the Journal of Russian & East European Psychology 5425

Native English editing and proofreading services for authors wishing to publish their work, scientific article, manuscript or research in the Journal of Russian & East European Psychology.

Features and stages of abstract translation 1663

Abstract translation is part of the important communication and collaboration between scientists and others who write authoritative reports on various topics. University graduates and postgraduate students are trained in this type of work, since the abstract is an integral part of scientific work.

How does translation memory differ from machine translation? 3578

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"Свадебная" викторина

Каждый третий участник получит по почте сувенир от нашего бюро переводов.

Translation business in Russia – what next? 1923

Many experts now note that the February events did not leave anyone indifferent, especially international market specialists.

Where to find texts in English, German, Spanish, Chinese with translation into Russian? 5665

We know that many people are looking for bilingual text, while studying a foreign language. Sometimes it is a part of an exercise or necessary for a practical work. It turns out that there are not so many high-quality texts on relevant topics in English, German, Spanish, Chinese with a translation into Russian on the Internet.

“Professional translation” means... 2144

Professional translation is a creative process regardless of a target language, subject matter, and specialization.

The difficulties of table text translation in the absence of context 2401

Translators have often to deal with table texts in their work. These are various consignment notes, customs documentation, product catalogs, and lists of goods, for instance. The lack of context is the main difficulty in translating such texts.

Service for Free Translation of Standard Documents 2096

Flarus Translation Agency presents a new service for free translation of standard documents.

Criteria affecting the cost of translation 3204

Depending on the linguistic problem posed by the client, there are different types of translation and technological processes of their implementation. Consequently, the translation cost and time required for it differ as well.

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شركة ترجمة Бюро за преводи Бюро перакладаў 翻译社 Překladatelská kancelář Übersetzugsbüro Oversættelse bureau Translation and Proofreading Services Agencia de traducciones Käännöstoimisto Бюро переводов Фларус, Москва Agence de traduction მთარგმნელობითი ბიურო Γραφείο μεταφράσεων अनुवाद एजेंसी Prevodilacki biro Fordítóiroda Penerjemahan Biro Agenzia di Traduzioni 翻訳代理店 번역 회사 Аударма бюросы Орчуулгын товчоо Biuro tłumaczeń Agência de tradução Birou de traduceri Преводилачка агенција Prekladateľská agentúra Агентии тарҷумонӣ Tercüme Bürosu Бюро перекладів Văn phòng phiên dịch
Latest translation:
"Аттестат / Certificate", Личные документы

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Translations in process: 98
Current work load: 31%

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ул. Барклая, 13, стр. 2
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+7 495 504-71-35

Заказ: info@flarus.ru