The Spanish Film Festival Performs Translators Who Wrote The Subtitles |
The Spanish film festival has the unique feature that the translator shows their face before the movie starts. The translators are specialists in their language business and take pride in the work they produced on the screen, adding a more serious and academic aspect to subtitling.
Award-winning films of new Spanish cinema - which is internationally acclaimed for their thought, attention to detail and, intense, high quality directing and acting are currently playing at the Creativity Centre in the Cairo Opera House every day until 10 June 2011. All films are free.
The programme of the Spanish film festival includes such films as Tesis (Thesis, 1996) - subtitled by Marwa Helmy and Hanady Mamdouh; Camino (The Path, 2008) - subtitled by Mary Mohareb and Shereen El Banna; El Secreto De Sus Ojos (The Secret of His Eyes, 2009) - subtitled by Shady El Mashak etc.
Чикан или тикан (яп. 痴漢, チカン, ちかん «развратник», «дурак») так в Японии называется фроттеризм. Или проще говоря, тиканами или чиканами называют любителей поприжиматься и пощупать находящихся рядом людей.
Automatic speech recognition is changing the way we create subtitles, making it much easier. |
Typically, such translations are processed in two stages, the first is transcribing the audio into text, sometimes with timecode to create subtitles. But most often it is just the text of an interview or presentation. At the second stage, the actual translation of the text into the desired language is performed. |
Letter har ofta en självförstörande inställning mot sin egen introversionskultur, men kan detta personlighetsegenskap vara som en nyckel till deras kreativa identitet? |
Еще в 2012 году появились новости о том, что сцены московских театров решили оснастить бегущей строкой с переводом на английский язык. Пилотной площадкой должна была стать Мастерская Петра Фоменко. И вот сейчас, спустя три года, в англоязычной газете для иностранцев The Moscow Times я увидела театральную афишу и под названием спектакля «Дом, где разбиваются сердца» многообещающую подпись: «In English, In French». Так как же сейчас можно посмотреть русскоязычный спектакль с субтитрами в Москве? |
The first Klingon opera is still playing in the Netherlands. You can also buy the DVD, which includes an exclusive interview about the opera with Mark Okrand and other bonus material. |
Ectaco Inc., the world's leader in portable language learning and translation technology, introduced the first line of dictionaries and translators for Android compatible devices. |
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Latest translation:
"Книги по менеджменту и управлению / Books on management", Маркетинг и реклама translation tags: экономический, достигнуть, материалы.
Translations in process: 104 Current work load: 31% |
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