A Missouri Senate committee is moving ahead with a proposal to require driver’s license exams be administered in English only, but an amendment severely weakened the bill.
The bill from Rep. Jerry Nolte, R-Gladstone, would prohibit the state from administering written driver’s license tests in languages other than English, and it would also prohibit the use of an interpreter.
A successful amendment from Rep. Rob Schaaf, R-St. Joseph, removed the prohibition on interpreters. So as the bill stands, people who do not speak English could take the test through a state-sanctioned interpreter, at the expense of the test-taker.
Chỉ người nào tin vào bản thân hoặc hiểu sâu sắc văn bản mới có thể khiến những người khác tin vào bản dịch của mình, giống như họ tin vào bản gốc vậy. |
In the context of preparation of Sochi for the Olympic Games installation of public phones began, which are equipped with two receivers to be used by foreigners and residents for breaking the language barrier. |
В выставочном центре "Крокус Экспо" с 5 по 8 февраля пройдет 17-я Международная Выставка AQUA-THERM Moscow 2013 |
Наши переводчики всегда с радостью отправляются на устный перевод, отмечая, что тематика переговоров и встреч зачастую представляет большой интерес не только для непосредственных участников мероприятия, но и для такого "стороннего" человека, как устный переводчик. |
Viva voce дословно переводится с латинского языка как “живым голосом”, то есть имеется в виду непосредственное общение, устная речь, в отличие от письменной. Именно устным переводам (interpreting) посвящен наш новый проект. |
There is an emergency for interpreters in the judicial administration and in social and health services of Finland. Legal translations are the most demanding and necessary. |
The Eurovision Song Contest is an annual competition held among active member countries of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). |
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