Medical translations is one of the most difficult fields of the translation. The translation of medical texts is characterized by some constant features that define its complexity.
Firstly, medical translation is a specialized text. Themes of medical documents can differ so that a physician in one field, for instance, cardiology, cannot understand a joint specialist or a skin disease specialist.
Secondly, as it was already said, there are a few physician-translators in the sphere of our professional activity. In addition to that it is necessary to have one specialist for each theme.
The third complexity connected with medical translations is their diversity.
It is one of those fields that demands the narrowest specialization of the medical translator. It is not so easy to find good translators in all fields of medicine. In our translation agency there are medical translators who, in case of an extremely specific order, are capable to penetrate into the theme and make a high-quality translation in some days.