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ul. Bolshaya Molchanovka, 34 bld. 2, of. 25
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Entry of a foreign company into the Russian market

The growing Russian market is becoming very attractive for worldwide business and international companies. In an age of increasing globalization, many of these companies have done their best to carve out a proper niche on the Russian market, but a number of them fail to find ways to launch their business, while others underestimate the complications they can encounter in Russia.

Philipp Konnov
26 April, 2017

Russia is a developing country; the Russian market remains fairly unsaturated and open for selling all kinds of product. Any company trying to popularize its own brand and launch its products in Russia can either meet with success (e.g. the well-known sales brand Auchan Holding, which has been our partner for several years) or suffer great losses (e.g. Ikea, which only got into the market on the second attempt, or the French Carrefour Network, which had to terminate its business in Russia).

Understanding of such specific factors as consumer behavior and the particular mentality of Russia`s multifaceted population is really key to successful business in Russia. It`s huge territory can cause businesses to suffer logistical complications and excess expenditures. Recommendations from experienced advisers can assist clients to make proper decisions, and close cooperation with a skillful translation agency makes it possible to remedy any product localization difficulties.

Flarus Translation Agency has proved itself to be an effective company, combining an optimal number of translators with low translation price quotes. If you have any questions regarding the situation on the Russian market, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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Россия, Москва,
ул. Барклая, 13, стр. 2
схема проезда

+7 495 504-71-35

Заказ: info@flarus.ru