You shouldn’t fail to take some intricacies into account during a banquet: the first thing – Chinese hold a glass with a drink in the right hand, supporting it with the left one; the second thing – clinking glasses in token of respect, a Chinese person will held his glass lower, than yours, it will be a good manner, if you try to do the same too. Holding your glass higher, than the glass of a Chinese person, you display superiority over him, and this fact may insult him very much.
It is obligatory to exchange business cards. It is appropriate to give them, holding with both of your hands. The Chinese will be pleased, if you do so, but they will not be offended, if you don’t.
According to business routine, presents are given at the end of negotiations, during private visits. The presents are not to be unpacked until guests leave. It is better to pack the souvenirs in red paper – in China, red colour symbolizes luck and joy.
When choosing a present, try your best, that the present doesn’t consist of four subjects - the words “four” and “death” sound the same in Chinese.
If you have decided to present flowers, then yellow flowers don’t suit the situation, especially chrysanthemums.
Green headwear means unfaithfulness.