China Novelists Overcoming Translation Issues |
A delegation of seven British literary editors joined their Chinese counterparts at the China-UK Literature in Translation Forum held on Feb 22.
The forum was jointly organized by the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy in China and Foreign Exchange and Cooperation Department of the General Administration of Press and Publication, as the curtain raiser for a series of events featuring China as the guest of honor at the 2012 London Book Fair.
There are more cultural exchanges between China and Britain like this forum. More Chinese-to-English translators are acting as go-betweens, and English-language publishers are forging better relationships with translators. Literary agents are taking an interest in Chinese writers and representing them outside China.
В нашей рубрике "Лингвистическая помощь" часто встречаются слова, которые внешне между собой очень похожи, но означают совершенно разное, из-за чего путать их категорически нельзя. |
Если вы хотите вести бизнес с компаниями Китае, например, выбирать поставщиков или продавать товары, вам необходимо проверить китайскую компанию на благонадежность, чтобы избежать коммерческих потерь. |
At the dawn of our translation business (2001), technical translations from German accounted for 25% of the total. Translations from French - 7%, Spanish - 3-5%. There were also other languages in the orders, but their total share did not exceed 2-3% per month. Everything else - about 45-50% - English.
For a company dealing with medicine and chemistry, we have translated, into Chinese, a calendar of popular beliefs and superstitions. The issue of the Calendar was intended to mark the coming of the New Year. Along with traditional Russian and Chinese beliefs, it also contained “modern” superstitions connected with cars and computers. |
The "Index Translationum" is a list of books translated in the world, i.e. an international bibliography of translations. |
The annual Helen and Kurt Wolff Translator's Prize is awarded each spring to honor an outstanding literary translation from German into English published in the USA the previous year. |
Iran and China have signed a cultural agreement for the translation of the classic and modern works of Chinese literature into Persian and vice-versa. |
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Latest translation:
"Перевод креативных текстов для типографического агентства", Маркетинг и реклама translation tags: агентство, креативный, перевод сайта, типографической.
Translations in process: 108 Current work load: 63% |
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