Court Interpreters In Ottawa Demand Pay Hike |
Court cases in Ottawa could stall as freelance interpreters refuse to work for wages that they say have barely changed in 15 years.
With only three staff interpreters, Ottawa courts rely heavily on the area’s 100-some freelancers, who provide interpretations in languages ranging from French to Farsi.
A loosely organized group of interpreters have vowed to stop taking new assignments until the province raises their pay to $35 an hour. This group includes the majority of French, Arabic and Spanish interpreters in the area, Costa says.
The Court Interpreters Association of Ontario (CIAO) has asked its members to turn down work in the region in solidarity.
Нас порой охватывает тревога, что отведенного нам времени может не хватить для достижения намеченных целей. На немецком языке это чувство паники можно выразить одним словом - Torschlusspanik. |
Many experts now note that the February events did not leave anyone indifferent, especially international market specialists. |
You need to write an article on the words borrowing in English from different languages. 10-12 borrowings will be enough. The main goal is the interesting and unusual borrowings.
Kaikki yksityiset kääntäjät hakevat pysyvää työsuhdetta. He haluavat työsuhteen muutaman asiakkaan kanssa, joille työskentelevät. Joskus voi sattua, että hän on varattu juuri kun tarvitset hänen palvelujaan. Sijaisen saanti asiakkaalle voi olla erittäin vaikeaa. Tämä koskee myös suosittuja kieliä, kuten englanti ja saksa. Ja jos haluat kääntää serbien, kiinan tai arabian kieltä, sijaisen etsintään voi kulua useita päiviä. |
Adjusted for inflation, the median annual salary for translators and interpreters rose from $44,500 to $53,410 between 2004 and 2012, according to Labor Department data. The majority of full-time workers are freelancers, and they are paid by the word, ranging from 7 cents a word to 30 cents, depending on the language and specialization, according to association. |
Le gouvernement du Québec freine l’implantation des programmes d’enseignement intensif de l’anglais dans les écoles locales destinés à promouvoir le bilinguisme. |
В выставочном центре "Крокус Экспо" с 5 по 8 февраля пройдет 17-я Международная Выставка AQUA-THERM Moscow 2013 |
The 17th International Exhibition AQUA-THERM Moscow 2013 will take place in Crocus Expo Exhibition Centre from 5th to 8th February. |
Au Canada, c`est en 1995 que la nouvelle grammaire entre officiellement dans le programme du ministère de l`Éducation. Ce qui a changé depuis 1995? |
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Latest translation:
"Презентационные материалы / Presentation materials
", Технический перевод translation tags: методика, материал, обеспечение.
Translations in process: 76 Current work load: 63% |
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