More than 20 of Colombia’s indigenous languages are in danger of disappearing, according to a report from the Ministry of Culture released February 21.
A study by the Ministry of Culture in conjunction with the International Mother Language Day states that five native languages are “nearly extinct because they have almost no speakers” and another nineteen are in “serious danger” of disappearing in Colombia.
The five nearly extinct languages are Tinigua, Tonuya, Carijona, Totoro, and Pisamira. Each of these languages has fewer than 60 living speakers, and Tinigua has only one.
Moreover, 34 languages in Colombia, or approximately half, are currently spoken by fewer than 1,000 people. This demographic is likely not sustainable in a modern world which brings an “intense interchange” of cultures, as well as a number of other risks, such as poverty, often faced by speakers of these languages.
The Program for the Protection of Ethnolinguistic Diversity, in conjunction with Law 1381 of 2010, is charged with the protection and preservation of indigenous language and culture.
Если вы видели фильм или читали книгу, то знаете, что «Голодные игры» - мрачная история борьбы за выживание в постапокалиптическом мире. Большая часть повествования происходит в диких лесах, и, видимо, не случайно имена некоторых персонажей фильма представляют собой замечательную этноботаническую коллекцию. |
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Так сложилось, что колумбийцы постоянно претерпевают от неправильного произношения названия их страны. Довольно часто вместо корректного "Колумбия" (исп. Colombia) люди применяют в речи "Коламбия" (Columbia), что больше подходит для названия голливудской киностудии. |
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A new study conducted by psychologist Quentin Atkinson of the University of Auckland. |
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