Collection of Book Covers Showing The Name of The Translator |
Having the name of the translator mentioned on the front cover of the book is not a common practice in Europe yet, as a recent visibility survey among members of the CEATL (The European Council of Literary Translators’ Association) points out – although huge differences between countries exist. In clear contrast to the spirit of international copyright and to Unesco’s Nairobi Recommendation, publishers still tend to think of literary translators as service providers, not as authors. This is why CEATL started a collection of book covers from all over Europe showing that a book cover mentioning the name of the translator does not necessarily have to be ugly. The collection will be gradually extended.
Из-за растущего числа иностранцев немецкие врачи столкнулись с проблемой взаимопонимания с пациентами. Что делать в таких случаях? |
If you wrote a book and would like to publish it abroad, the first thing you will need to do is translate it into another language. A good translation may be a steppingstone to your future success. |
Egyptian actor, writer and editor Wiam El-Tamimi was awarded the 2011 Harvill Secker Young Translators` Prize for her translation of Mansoura Ezz Eddin`s "Gothic Night". |
The "Index Translationum" is a list of books translated in the world, i.e. an international bibliography of translations. |
The annual Helen and Kurt Wolff Translator's Prize is awarded each spring to honor an outstanding literary translation from German into English published in the USA the previous year. |
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Latest translation:
"Инструкция / Manual
", Технический перевод translation tags: содержание, комплектующие, операционная система.
Translations in process: 76 Current work load: 63% |
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