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Learning a foreign language through playing

The start-up XPLingo has presented a new concept of learning languages - «Play your language».

XPLingo, программа, приложение, планшет, компьютер

There is no best way to learn a foreign language, than to go abroad. However, this is not always possible. You can benefit from the digital world: with an innovative idea, the start-up XPLingo offers an absolutely new way of learning a foreign language.

The player finds himself as a protagonist on the tablet computer or computer and sets off for an interactive adventure story in another country, which creates moments that he could only experience in the respective country. The player interacts in various scenes, opens new pages in the history and communicates with native people within the virtual world. This unique adventure allows also to learn a language.

The German-Brazilian team has experienced that foreign languages are learnt better through personal experience, rather than within language courses. Ingo Ehrle worked for 6 years in Barcelona, building up a subsidiary for a German software company. In 2014 he met José Rodolfo Freitas in Munich, an experienced game designer and software engineer. Together they founded the start-up XPLingo with the slogan «Play your language».

«Stories and personal experiences have a very decisive effect on anyone`s motivation to learn a language», founders resume their idea. - «That`s why we build game-based learning solutions that amuse and teach the user while he/she discovers an exciting adventure story. Thus, the country, the culture and the people are put directly on the tablet or computer».


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tags: #Munich #Barcelona #XPLingo #startup #Spanish #German

Конкурс письменного перевода "Found in Translation 2022" 3873

Переводчик напоминает сводню, которая, расхваливая достоинства прикрытой вуалью красавицы, вызывает непреоборимое желание познакомиться с оригиналом. Иоганн Вольфганг Гёте

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies 1137

Among the clients of our translation agency there is a company that supplies and maintains machinery and equipment for the construction of tunnels, in particular, the Moscow metro. Our translators have repeatedly translated supply contracts, operating and maintenance instructions for German-made tunneling shields.

Where to find texts in English, German, Spanish, Chinese with translation into Russian? 5665

We know that many people are looking for bilingual text, while studying a foreign language. Sometimes it is a part of an exercise or necessary for a practical work. It turns out that there are not so many high-quality texts on relevant topics in English, German, Spanish, Chinese with a translation into Russian on the Internet.

Весенняя викторина

Каждый третий участник получит по почте сувенир от нашего бюро переводов.

English into Spanish Translations 1956

In our agency the translation from English into Spanish is performed by a special group of professional translators, some of them are native Spanish speakers who can speak English as well.

Учим языки играя 2190

"Сыграй в свой язык" - стартап XPLingo представил новый концепт изучения языков.

History of translation: "Three Little Pigs" with a Spanish Flavor 4553

It`s not a secret pupils and students often contact our agency to get support in translating their researches, theses or simply home assignment. Thus, we have recently translated in Spanish the tale "Three Little Pigs." What problems faced the Spanish native speaker translating this folklore text?

History of translation: Spanish cinema recovers from being "unconscious" 2804

One month ago our agency started working on a big and exciting project — a translation of six full movie scripts from Spanish. You can always tell a Spanish movie from any other by its particular weirdness, marked by several specific features. They run like a common thread through various scripts of road movies, sitcoms and TV-shows, translated to Russian by our specialists.

If graffiti changed anything - it would be illegal 3428

The competitions for best graffities are held. For example, there are competitions with the depictions of the classic authors’ portraits on the territory of "Flacon" factory in Moscow or it is allowed tourists to draw on the Great Wall of China. Meanwhile, there are the organizations that don`t share the ideas of such type of art as painting on the walls, especially when it is referred to graffiti in the subway train carriages, on the billboards and road signs, as well as on the roofs of the stadiums.

Spanish Is The Fastest Spoken Language 3309

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شركة ترجمة Бюро за преводи Бюро перакладаў 翻译社 Překladatelská kancelář Übersetzugsbüro Oversættelse bureau Translation and Proofreading Services Agencia de traducciones Käännöstoimisto Бюро переводов Фларус, Москва Agence de traduction მთარგმნელობითი ბიურო Γραφείο μεταφράσεων अनुवाद एजेंसी Prevodilacki biro Fordítóiroda Penerjemahan Biro Agenzia di Traduzioni 翻訳代理店 번역 회사 Аударма бюросы Орчуулгын товчоо Biuro tłumaczeń Agência de tradução Birou de traduceri Преводилачка агенција Prekladateľská agentúra Агентии тарҷумонӣ Tercüme Bürosu Бюро перекладів Văn phòng phiên dịch
Latest translation:
"Инструкция по использованию / User manual ", Технический перевод

translation tags: заказчик, поставка, отчетность.

Translations in process: 98
Current work load: 57%

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