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Company’s presentation
Online Translation Quote

Localization LLC Helps Businesses Navigate in the World of Languages

Елена Рябцева
18 February, 2011

Localization LLC, a Cleveland based translation and global localization provider is helping business reach out in new worldly direction in today's tumultuous economy. By providing products and services to a global audience, businesses are discovering fresh and new surges of success with their products with untapped markets in foreign lands. Localization LLC helps them reach out with over 50 language combinations to the world.

Localization, LLC is a Cleveland based translation firm that provides such services as translation, interpretation, voice over and dubbing.

The list of the languages that the company works with is impressive. "The most requested languages that we get are Spanish, French, German, Russian, Cantonese, Japanese, Italian, Arabic and Hebrew," notes Ray Michaels, Marketing Director at Localization, LLC, "but all in all, we work with over 50 language combinations including very rare African and Asian languages."

The company contributes a lot of its success to outstanding customer service. The management realizes that a lot of its first time clients have never dealt with translation before. When a translation project lands on the desk of a project coordinator, he/she uses all of the knowledge and capabilities to ensure that the translation has the right dialect, register and tone.


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