Since 2014 Ministry of Education and Science of Russia will promote Russian Language Institute brand abroad |
 Since 2014 Ministry of Education and Science of Russia will promote Pushkin State Russian Language Institute brand abroad. The Deputy Head of the Ministry Veniamin Kaganov has announced such intention.
In particular the Ministry is planning to expand presence of the Institute in different cities and countries by opening centers and programmes for learning Russian language.
As explained by the Deputy Head of the Ministry, for last twenty years number of people speaking Russian in the world has reduced by 120 million people. He made the point that, in this regard, it is necessary to give special priority to enhancement of the role of Russian language abroad.
Kaganov noted also that the Pushkin Institute had always been focused on teaching foreign nationals to Russian language. Ideally, its branches shall be presented in all major cities all over the world.
Если при виде слов "cooker" и "stove" вам на ум приходит один и тот же предмет, то статья будет для вас полезной. В ней о разнице между этими понятиями и о некоторых других, которые вы могли упустить. |
The Deputy Head of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia will promote Pushkin State Russian Language Institute brand abroad. |
Starting from the next school year, the first virtual school of Russian language for foreigners will be opened in Russia. The project will operate on the basis of the Pushkin State institute of Russian language in Moscow. In the future, similar centers will appear in other Russian cities as well. |
For a company dealing with medicine and chemistry, we have translated, into Chinese, a calendar of popular beliefs and superstitions. The issue of the Calendar was intended to mark the coming of the New Year. Along with traditional Russian and Chinese beliefs, it also contained “modern” superstitions connected with cars and computers. |
Database of the European court of human rights (ECHR) was held in open access in the Russian language. In addition to the official languages of the office: English and French, the documents of court can be read in Russian language now. |
It has been proposed at the State Duma to grant to Russian language the status of an official language of the European Union. This idea was discussed during round-table conference on a topic "State language policy of the Russian Federation: current state and trends". |
The first version of a specially designed English-Russian glossary of terms, as well as a French-Russian glossary of winter sports is accessible on the official website of the XXII Winter Olymics and XI Winter Paralympics organizing committee. |
The application is available in English, Russian and Tatar on iOS devices. |
On Saturday, April 6, took place an annual educational event "Total dictation", in which this time participated about 30 thousand people from 181 cities and towns in six continents. |
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