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Since 2014 Ministry of Education and Science of Russia will promote Russian Language Institute brand abroad

Since 2014 Ministry of Education and Science of Russia will promote Pushkin State Russian Language Institute brand abroad. The Deputy Head of the Ministry Veniamin Kaganov has announced such intention.

Елена Рябцева
26 December, 2013

In particular the Ministry is planning to expand presence of the Institute in different cities and countries by opening centers and programmes for learning Russian language.

As explained by the Deputy Head of the Ministry, for last twenty years number of people speaking Russian in the world has reduced by 120 million people. He made the point that, in this regard, it is necessary to give special priority to enhancement of the role of Russian language abroad.

Kaganov noted also that the Pushkin Institute had always been focused on teaching foreign nationals to Russian language. Ideally, its branches shall be presented in all major cities all over the world.


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tags: #brand #russian #Russian Language Institute #Russian as a foreign language #language learning #teaching

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Если при виде слов "cooker" и "stove" вам на ум приходит один и тот же предмет, то статья будет для вас полезной. В ней о разнице между этими понятиями и о некоторых других, которые вы могли упустить.

Russian Language Institute abroad 2328

The Deputy Head of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia will promote Pushkin State Russian Language Institute brand abroad.

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