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Japan Beating Russia in Race to Anglicize

24 February, 2012

Every day, new studies appear that underline the importance of English in the global economy. Worldwide, some 73 percent of all children who order Supersize fries in McDonald`s franchises do so in English. The American Pledge of Allegiance is nearly always recited in English. A Gallup poll of Alabama clerics reveals that the Lord`s Prayer is most likely to be answered affirmatively in English.

The Japanese are far ahead of Russia in moving to an English-based economy. In Vladivostok, we find little more than Polish foodstuffs called All American or Bulgarian toothpaste ``with NATURAL elements`` - contains 15 percent medical liquor from the Salty Lake.

Japan has transcended such dabbling. Vending machines offer soft drinks with lusty Anglo-Saxon names like Body Request and Sweat. One chain store is called Book Off (a commonplace oath in Yorkshire).


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