The Harvill Secker Young Translators` Prize 2011 |
 Egyptian actor, writer and editor Wiam El-Tamimi was awarded the 2011 Harvill Secker Young Translators` Prize for her translation of Mansoura Ezz Eddin`s "Gothic Night".
Tamami won the 1000 GBP prize for her translation of Egyptian author Mansoura Ezz Eddin`s story “Gothic Night” into English. The prize focuses on a new language each year and aims to recognise the achievements of young translators at the start of their careers.
Ezz Eddin said she “liked the translation a lot” and was very happy that Tamami won the prize. “I hope that this is a strong starting point to a successful career as a translator.”
In Tamami`s translation, the story maintains its dreamy character: "Closing my eyes, I succumb to the darkness, and the scene opens up silently before me. I see throngs of people moving slowly, staring at a still point ahead . . . I see him walking, lost in thought . . . and I hear, loud in my ears, the thud of heavy footsteps. Could it be coming from me?"
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