Filthy Language As Trademark |
Shoppers in Germany might feel a little embarrassed about asking for "Ficken" schnapps by name - the drink is named after the German word for the English F-word, i.e. the word of filthy language. But the manufacturer can take solace in the fact that the brand name is now legally protected. Now Germany’s Federal Patent Court ruled that the word "ficken" can be registered as a trademark.
The German liquor manufacturer EFAG Trade Mark Company had taken the case to the country’s highest patent court after its attempts to get the name of "Ficken" schnapps registered with the German Patent and Trademark Office had failed. The patent office had steadfastly refused to register the naughty brandname as a trademark, arguing that it was socially offensive to sell goods of that name.
Важный лейтмотив в известной киноленте 1990 года "Призрак", любимая фраза американского общественного деятеля Раша Лимбо, и название копировальной машины середины 20-го века. Что же это слово означает, и откуда оно взялось? |
The layout of the translated text in Arabic has a number of features uncharacteristic for the Russian language. |
We know that many people are looking for bilingual text, while studying a foreign language. Sometimes it is a part of an exercise or necessary for a practical work. It turns out that there are not so many high-quality texts on relevant topics in English, German, Spanish, Chinese with a translation into Russian on the Internet. |
Probably, everyone knows that the words internet and computer originated in the English language. However, Russian «migrants» can be found in English as well. |
Небрежный перевод даже одного слова может нанести серьезный урон деловой репутации любого бренда. Так, в 2013 году Mango, испанская компания-гигант модной индустрии, не избежала подобной участи. |
Россия - развивающаяся страна, российский рынок ненасыщен, и здесь можно продать практически все. |
Новый стадион футбольного клуба "Спартак" в Москве станет зоной правильного русского языка, лишенной нецензурной лексики. |
Apparently, one does not nave to be extremely well-read or broad-minded to solve crossword puzzles efficiently. According to Noah Veltman, a web developer from UK, in every language there is a certain set of words that show up particularly often in crossword puzzles. |
В городах Таджикистана демонтируют вывески и рекламные щиты на иностранных языках в рамках кампании по устранению "языковых недочетов". |
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