Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting |
Ghostwriting is a process in which professional writers write on behalf of the author without obtaining attribution or public recognition.
Ghostwriting is a personalized service that involves a partnership between the author and the editor. In other words, a ghostwriter (from English ghostwriter) is a copywriter who writes for another person and does not claim copyright.
In our agency, this is achieved by concluding a contract for services with the signing of an additional agreement on the transfer of copyright to a book or article.
Read a detailed description of the process of providing ghostwriting services on our website.
Headlines are only a few words long, but have the extraordinarily important task of persuading journal reviewers to read your article and publish it in the journal. |
Гострайтингом называют процесс, в котором профессиональные писатели пишут от имени автора без получения авторства или публичного признания. |
Recommendations for authors wishing to prepare their work, scientific article, manuscript or research for publication in international journals. |
Correct citation of literature from the Scopus database is an important aspect of academic work. Our recommendations for citing sources from this database. |
Proofreading and editing give authors the opportunity to prepare and submit more professional manuscripts for publication. We provide professional proofreading services for academic papers in economics for professors, lecturers, researchers and students. |
Authorship has important academic, social, and financial implications, as well as responsibility for the published work. Recommendations for authors who wish to prepare their work, scientific article, manuscript or research for publication in international journals. |
Some Russian publishers intend to circumvent restrictions on the release of international bestsellers in the country by publishing a paraphrase of the text without direct quotation. |
You need to write an article on the words borrowing in English from different languages. 10-12 borrowings will be enough. The main goal is the interesting and unusual borrowings.
«День словарей и энциклопедий — дань памяти В.И. Даля и знак возрастающей роли словарей — наших лоцманов и маяков в ширящемся океане информации. Без словарей человечеству так же не выжить, как и без слов. Если человек — существо словесное, то, значит, и словарное.»
М. Н. Эпштейн.
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