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The Ateso Language Is In Danger Of Disappearing

The Teso, or Iteso, are an ethnic group in eastern Uganda and western Kenya. Now they are looking for ways to preserve their language Ateso.

According to the 2002 Uganda population and housing census, over 1.57 million people in Uganda spoke Ateso. Also an estimated 279,000 people in Kenya speak it. In spite of this number of total speakers, the UN cultural body Unesco put Ateso on the list of the languages which are in danger of disappearing.

Ateso has taken a number of loanwords, primarily from English, Swahili, and other Bantu languages.


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tags: #UNESCO #local languages #language extinction #Kenya #Uganda #Teso #Ateso

Лингвистическая помощь: Рисковый или рискованный 16797

Два однокоренных прилагательных "рисковый" и "рискованный", наверное, у многих вызывают вопросы в употреблении. Давайте разберемся, в чем разница и в каком контексте следует употреблять каждое слово.

Linguicide: Why we must save extinct languages 2592

Hundreds of our languages are teetering on the brink of extinction, and we may lose more than just words if we allow them to die out. For example, the Cherokee language is a minority language threatened with demise.

Nunavut, ou "Notre terre" en inuktitut, la langue des Inuits 3136

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"Весенняя праздничная" викторина

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World Bibliography Of Translation 3204

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The Language Of The American Indian Tribe Will Be Saved 2715

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Airline Mistranslation As A Lack Of Professionalism 2873

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Maori Road Signs Will Not Be Translated 3239

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Oxford University Mission To Save A Language Spoken By Three People 2862

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Obtaining information, providing assistance and forging relationships are very tough things to do when first meeting people, but it is even tougher when you are in a combat environment and don't speak the language.

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Latest translation:
"Перевод рекламных сообщений для типографического предприятия", Общая тема

translation tags: перевод, рекламный, перевод сайта, типографической.

Translations in process: 76
Current work load: 63%

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