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How to properly cite literature from the Scopus

Correct citation of literature from the Scopus database is an important aspect of academic work. Our recommendations for citing sources from this database.

Philipp Konnov
21 August, 2023


When citing articles from Scopus, you must specify the author(s), the title of the article, the name of the journal, the year of publication, the volume and issue number of the journal, and the pages on which the article is located.

When citing, you must use the MLA (Modern Language Association) or APA (American Psychological Association) citation format, which are the most common formats for academic papers. When using these formats, you should follow the rules.

When citing literature from Scopus, you must provide a link to the original article or source. This can be a link to a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) that uniquely identifies each article in the Scopus database.

It is important to note that Scopus provides the ability to export citations to various formats (for example, BibTeX or EndNote), which simplifies the process of citing sources from this database.

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