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Preparation for publication of a scientific article: Feedback from the reviewer

Recommendations for authors who wish to prepare their work, scientific article, manuscript or research for publication in international journals.

Philipp Konnov
11 May, 2023

preparation for publication

All reviewers will have their own ideas about how your article should be written, what the content should be, and how it should all be presented. Sometimes these ideas will be radically different from your own.

When dealing with peer review, remember that you can`t please everyone, but you should still consider all comments and decide which ones to take note of and which not, as the case may be.

Peer-reviewed comments should always be taken seriously. Having sent a request to check the content, grammar, sentence structure, you should double-check all disputed places and take into account any suggestions. This can be difficult if you are attached to your job and don`t want to make any major changes. If the reviewers are suggesting changes, it`s good to take a break and spend some time thinking, but don`t put it off too long.

There is almost always a way to improve a manuscript, and making changes will almost always be for the better. Of course, constructive and positive feedback is always a pleasure to deal with, but even if you get negative feedback, you should politely thank the reviewers for their suggestions.

On the other hand, arguing or ignoring the suggestions of reviewers will be remembered and will not help advance your career or scientific reputation.

Preparation of an article in accordance with the standards adopted in the international system of scientific publications and includes the service of professional translation, proofreading by a native speaker, proofreading and editing of a scientific article. Our agency employs experienced translators, editors and proofreaders.


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