Interesting facts about the Arabic language |
 The layout of the translated text in Arabic has a number of features uncharacteristic for the Russian language.
A coder needs to have at least a basic understanding of the Arabic language:
- Arabic letters are connected to each other within a word.
- Words in Arabic are not transferred from one line to another.
- Words are stretched to the right size, increasing the size of the letters to fit all the words on the line.
- There are no capital letters and punctuation marks in Arabic.
- Arabic texts are read from right to left.
- Illustrations in the text are mirrored.
To type Arabic texts in InDesign, you need to install the Middle East and North Africa (Middle Eastern) versions. When working with Arabic, you can choose the type of digits to use. You can select Arabic numerals, Hindi numerals and Farsi numerals.
Этот символ означает трудный момент или когда вы о чем-то сожалеете. |
How much the translation of your documents costs? How is the cost of translation calculated and what can be done to save on translation services? |
There is an opinion that Arabic is a very difficult language. Linguists and translators specialized in Arabic find this opinion stereotypic since such kind of a language does not belong to the Indo-European family of languages and, accordingly, it conforms to entirely different rules in contrast to the Indo-European languages. |
Arabic is the second most spoken language in the world, conceding only to the Chinese language. For the East Arabic is as English for the whole world. Arabic is not only the language of the religion of millions of Muslims in the world, but it is also a very important part of culture, economy, politics, and especially mass media. |
Translators have often to deal with table texts in their work. These are various consignment notes, customs documentation, product catalogs, and lists of goods, for instance. The lack of context is the main difficulty in translating such texts. |
The Flarus Translation Agency is engaged in professional translation of variably targeted websites into different languages. Our clients commonly order the website translation into English due to the desire to expand the audience in a westerly direction. Yet, benefits provided by a website version focused, for example, on the Arabic-speaking audience are also noteworthy. |
Recently we translated compliance code for employees of one small Chinese company to Russian. Strict hierarchy and control – here are pillars of internal labor policy of the Celestial Empire’s companies. |
Say «please»! children are often told after saying something like «Give me a biscuit», if they ask why, they may receive the explanation «Because it`s polite». |
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Latest translation:
"Документация к оборудованию / Equipment documentation
", Технический перевод translation tags: безопасность, выпускаемый, качественный.
Translations in process: 98 Current work load: 57% |
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