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Interesting facts about the Arabic language

The layout of the translated text in Arabic has a number of features uncharacteristic for the Russian language.

Philipp Konnov
10 March, 2023


A coder needs to have at least a basic understanding of the Arabic language:

- Arabic letters are connected to each other within a word.

- Words in Arabic are not transferred from one line to another.

- Words are stretched to the right size, increasing the size of the letters to fit all the words on the line.

inDesign, Words are stretched

- There are no capital letters and punctuation marks in Arabic.

- Arabic texts are read from right to left.

- Illustrations in the text are mirrored.

To type Arabic texts in InDesign, you need to install the Middle East and North Africa (Middle Eastern) versions. When working with Arabic, you can choose the type of digits to use. You can select Arabic numerals, Hindi numerals and Farsi numerals.


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tags: #punctuation marks #InDesign #code #text #language #words #word #Arabic

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