JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a text-based data exchange format based on JavaScript, but can be used in any programming language, including C++, Java, Perl, Python. Used in application localization and website translation.
JSON text is an ordered set of "key : value". Our translators can work with JSON files in plain text. The translator will translate the value without affecting the key. If the structure of the JSON file turns out to be complex, containing not only text values, but also arrays, control commands, and other records that cannot be translated, then it will be difficult for the translator to navigate among the service information and unforeseen translation errors may occur.
A JSON object is an unordered collection of key:value pairs. An object starts with a curly left brace and ends with a right brace. Each key is followed by a colon and the pairs are separated by a comma.
The key can only be a string, the value can be any form: an object, a record, a structure, a dictionary, a hash table, a list with keys, or an associative array.
If you have the task of translating a website or localizing an application into a foreign language using the JSON file format, contact Flarus Translation Agency, where you will be offered the services of qualified native translators of the main languages of the world and all related linguistic services!