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How Google enter the work of translators

We must admit the fact that machine translation enter in the work of translators and editors. However, I am writing on a different occasion. Compare the two cases.

Philipp Konnov
11 August, 2021

The first is "Free Google", when a client, using Google, gets a machine translation. The client has to be lucky that the machine translation is correct.

The second case - "Like Google", when a client, ordering a translation in a company, receives a translation that almost exactly as the machine translation. At the same time, the client rarely notices the translation has been checked by the translator, revised and found suitable for use.

google translate

Most of the texts that are translated for personal or business purposes are not difficult from a linguistic point of view. And therefore, they are generally well translated by the algorithm.

In such texts, translation errors made by the machine are rare and very difficult to recognize in the finished translation. It happens that a phrase is constructed stylistically and grammatically correctly, but the meaning in it is violated and this can only be clarified by referring to the original source.

It is precisely in the verification of machine translation by a professional translator (postediting) that the difference lies between google translation and professional translation using translation systems.


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