The New Messaging Client Offers Free Language Translation |
 The program offers free language translation while chatting which makes it possible for users, who cannot speak more than one language, to chat with people speaking other languages.
MSP Messenger, a free instant messaging client created by Turkish engineers, has attracted more than 250,000 users from 124 countries only 24 hours after it was released.
With its online translation feature, MSP Messenger has aroused great interest from Internet users across the world. "Now it is time for Turkey to introduce global brands in informatics," said Necmettin Ozalp, a software engineer who created MSP Messenger.
В ночь с 24 на 25 декабря католики всего мира отмечают Рождество Христово. А что же они говорят друг другу в этот день?
Recommendations for authors wishing to prepare their work, scientific article, manuscript or research for publication in international journals. |
A web or social media blog is a place where companies can showcase their expertise to potential customers and attract new ones. |
Олимпиада называется Homo Interpretans и посвящается Международному году фундаментальных наук в интересах устойчивого развития, объявленному Генеральной ассамблеей ООН. |
One of our agency`s regular clients made a comment on a translation we completed for them, and it has not left my mind since. It encapsulated a criteria for judging the quality of a translation which had not occurred to me before. |
On Saturday, April 6, took place an annual educational event "Total dictation", in which this time participated about 30 thousand people from 181 cities and towns in six continents. |
Hôm nay, tại Việt Nam, bắt đầu làm việc hệ thống tìm kiếm coccoc.com ( cóc-cóc, theo tiếng Việt), ông Lavrenko, báo “Veđômôscham” cho biết. |
Por admiração a uma banda de rock ucraniana “Okean Elzy”, um cidadão brasilheiro de 20 anos de idade aprendeu a lingua ucraniana sozinho e presentmente ensina o idioma através do YouTube. |
Корпорация Microsoft объявила о коммерческом запуске сервиса перевода Translator Hub, который позволит пользователям создавать и обучать сервис собственным настраиваемым системам автоматического перевода. Предполагается, что с его помощью можно будет сохранить исчезающие и редкие языки. |
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"Аттестат / Certificate", Личные документы translation tags:
Translations in process: 98 Current work load: 57% |
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