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Proofreading and editing in Arabic

It is believed that the Arabic language is very complicated. Linguists and translators from Arabic explain this stereotype by the fact that this language does not belong to the Indo-European language family and, therefore, is subject to the very different rules than the European languages.

Philipp Konnov
30 January, 2021


The bulk of translations from Russian into Arabic, which we have done in the recent years, are related to the medical theme, translations of the websites, and translations of technical instructions for the gadgets.

We can offer services provided by Arabic native speakers for proofreading and editing your documents. Though, it is no easy matter to find any Arabic native speaker in Russia, we were a success to take the advantage of active cooperation with our foreign clients.

Previously, a majority of our Arab translators/interpreters visited eastern countries working under a number of military projects implemented between local authorities and the USSR – this is to say that they have enormous experience and skills in speaking Arabic. They can translate any different text making reference to specific Arabic dialects.

The literary Arabic is an official one employed in all Arab countries but the matter is that there are some dialectal variations effectively used on a regional level. Therefore, we should take into account the above matter when doing any translation since the same turn of speech can be differently interpreted in Yemen and in Sudan.

This means that for ordering any Arabic target translation, you should indicate the country of the Arab world for which such translation is to be done, and our translator will make it possible to give his/her reference to any regional Arabic dialect.


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شركة ترجمة Бюро за преводи Бюро перакладаў 翻译社 Překladatelská kancelář Übersetzugsbüro Oversættelse bureau Translation and Proofreading Services Agencia de traducciones Käännöstoimisto Бюро переводов Фларус, Москва Agence de traduction მთარგმნელობითი ბიურო Γραφείο μεταφράσεων अनुवाद एजेंसी Prevodilacki biro Fordítóiroda Penerjemahan Biro Agenzia di Traduzioni 翻訳代理店 번역 회사 Аударма бюросы Орчуулгын товчоо Biuro tłumaczeń Agência de tradução Birou de traduceri Преводилачка агенција Prekladateľská agentúra Агентии тарҷумонӣ Tercüme Bürosu Бюро перекладів Văn phòng phiên dịch
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