Native Speaker Translators |
 If you have ever read letters translated not by Native Speaker translators, you know which impression they make. Conveying the meaning of a message they often are full of archaisms and old fashioned word combinations which seem to us sometimes really funny that does not strengthen a correspondent company’s reputation at all.
It probably made you laughing. It is obvious that a person of sound mind and memory will never work with its authors. Of course, it is an exception; still, little shortcomings are not rare for such texts. You know that such "trifles" are very important for business relations as they are making a great influence on your business reputation.
Translator’s work is a creative process requiring precise transfer of the original text preserving its style and expressive language means. Meanwhile the translator will not translate a text which is too difficult for him and require higher professional qualification.
The problem is not always in a translator’s qualification as he does his work professionally abiding by the translation language norms, including highly specialized fields. However, the language is alive and it is constantly changing. Only a native speaker can create a text taking into account all the nuances of contemporary and unique language.
Native speakers are the linguists having a professional command of the Russian language, who translate into their native language staying in their language environment on a regular basis. We offer such specialists at your service.
За все время работы бюро переводов мы трижды сталкивались с резким падением курса рубля в 2008, 2014 и 2022 году. Последний скачок бьет все рекорды. Что это значит для переводческого бизнеса? |
Recommendations for authors wishing to prepare their work, scientific article, manuscript or research for publication in international journals. |
To perform text editing in formats that do not provide such a function, pre-processing of images is necessary. Most often, text recognition is performed with the creation of a document structure through an OCR system. |
It takes months or even years of research to write a dissertation, article in physics. However, at the moment when you type the last word, it will be time to start the second part - editing and proofreading the article. |
Recommendations for authors who wish to prepare their work, scientific article, manuscript or research for publication in international journals. Preparation in accordance with the standards adopted in the international system of scientific publications and includes proofreading by native speakers, proofreading and editing of a scientific article. |
Headlines are only a few words long, but have the extraordinarily important task of persuading journal reviewers to read your article and publish it in the journal. |
Text Layout Verification (proofreading) is a specific service that is usually required after the layout of booklets, catalogs, presentations, websites and instructions in foreign languages.
Post-editing of machine generated translation is editing and proofreading of the text, resulting in a coherent, understandable, and usable contents for the client. |
It is believed that the Arabic language is very complicated. Linguists and translators from Arabic explain this stereotype by the fact that this language does not belong to the Indo-European language family and, therefore, is subject to the very different rules than the European languages. |
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Latest translation:
"Соглашение / Agreement
", Юридический перевод translation tags: имущество, доверенность, направление.
Translations in process: 76 Current work load: 63% |
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