Новости переводов » translator |
The described algorithm of formation of a new translation agency may differ from case to case, but most translation agencies appeared exactly in this way. All translation agencies grew out of the translation practice of one person. This information can be useful to any aspiring entrepreneur and not only in the field of translations. |
Many experts now note that the February events did not leave anyone indifferent, especially international market specialists. |
In our translation agency, about 10% of all orders are processed with proofreading by a native speaker. This is the trend of recent years, when entering the international market means not only a statement about yourself, but also a real result, which cannot happen without proper investments, including the quality of the translated texts.
The number of people claiming to be translators and offering translation services nowadays is huge. This resulted in the lower price for translation services making it more attractive for customers but at the same time creating certain difficulties for those who is looking for real professionals devoting all their lives to this job. |
Business correspondence, documentation, equipment operating instructions, quality and compliance certificates, and much more are included in the work of an Italian translator. |
If you have ever read letters translated not by Native Speaker translators, you know which impression they make. Conveying the meaning of a message they often are full of archaisms and old fashioned word combinations which seem to us sometimes really funny that does not strengthen a correspondent company’s reputation at all.
Projekt biura tłumaczeń Fłarus "Życzenia w przekładzie" to uniwersalny spis życzeń z okazji świąt zarówno narodowych, jak i międzynarodowych wraz z tłumaczeniami na wiele języków świata. |
Ways to attain the best relation between cost and quality of translation services. |
No matter how much we aspire to an impeccable quality of translation, but sometimes errors still have a place to be. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.
Our editors, who collected data from different CVs of translators and systematized experience of work with freelance translator applicants, we have come to the conclusion that it is possible to identify common features in search, selection and testing of translators seeking to cooperation with our agency.
The customers can be dissatisfied with the quality of the translation, but they are unable to estimate the quality by themselves and they want the translator to improve the text, to make it less awkward and formal, to shorten long expressions, to add some colloquial terms or, visa versa, to remove them from formal documents. |
Why can medical translations rates be higher than common translations rates? |
Asking yourself the question "how is it possible to communicate with a Chinese person", you will certainly find a lot of advice in the Internet. Being translators from Chinese, we offer you our own advice. |
Translators have often to deal with table texts in their work. These are various consignment notes, customs documentation, product catalogs, and lists of goods, for instance. The lack of context is the main difficulty in translating such texts. |
Not long ago, our customer who ordinary make requests for translating AutoCAD drawings asked our agency to translate the documents to be, at first sight, similar to those of the above ones. But later some real problems have occurred. |
Soon we are launching a new project and are looking for translators who would like to try their hands in news writing. |
One of our agency`s regular clients made a comment on a translation we completed for them, and it has not left my mind since. It encapsulated a criteria for judging the quality of a translation which had not occurred to me before. |
Adjusted for inflation, the median annual salary for translators and interpreters rose from $44,500 to $53,410 between 2004 and 2012, according to Labor Department data. The majority of full-time workers are freelancers, and they are paid by the word, ranging from 7 cents a word to 30 cents, depending on the language and specialization, according to association. |
New holidays were added to the project "Greetings with translations" of Flarus Translation Agency. |
Prim-ministrul României Victor Ponta a derutat fără intenţie pe cancelarul german Angela Merkel în timpul întâlnirii acestora, care a avut loc la Berlin luna aceasta. Traducătorul a încurcat cuvintele chiar în momentul când şeful guvernului de la Bucureşti, făcea declaraţii despre un subiect foarte delicat - corupţia. |
ABBYY TextGrabber + Translator – программа, которая может распознавать сфотографированный на камеру смартфона или планшета текст, а также перевести его на другие языки. |
Egyptian actor, writer and editor Wiam El-Tamimi was awarded the 2011 Harvill Secker Young Translators` Prize for her translation of Mansoura Ezz Eddin`s "Gothic Night". |
International Translation Day is celebrated every year on 30 September on the feast of St. Jerome, the Bible translator who was recognised by the Catholic Church as the patron saint of translators, scholars and editors. |
The "Index Translationum" is a list of books translated in the world, i.e. an international bibliography of translations. |
The annual Helen and Kurt Wolff Translator's Prize is awarded each spring to honor an outstanding literary translation from German into English published in the USA the previous year. |
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Все публикации написаны редакторами и переводчиками бюро переводов Фларус и сотрудничающими с нами внештатными корреспондентами. Статьи публикуются только на этом сайте с 2009 года. Новости переводов - это платформа для реализации талантов, стремлений и достижений переводчиков и в настоящее время является наиболее популярным источником тематических материалов в рунете.
Многие публикации описывают ситуации из переводческой практики, часто возникающие проблемы и способы их решения. Подписка на ежемесячную рассылку избранных материалов позволит быть в курсе основных событий на рынке перевода, а также помогает переводчикам приобрести опыт, что, в конечном счете, позволяет зарабатывать больше на услугах перевода.
Подробнее о проекте
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Последний наш перевод:
"Перевод рекламных сообщений для типографического предприятия", Общая тема метки перевода: перевод, рекламный, перевод сайта, типографической.
Переводы в работе: 76 Загрузка бюро: 27% |
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