Новости переводов » linguist |
Many experts now note that the February events did not leave anyone indifferent, especially international market specialists. |
Our proofreaders will help finalize your manuscript and prepare it for publication. Editing consists in checking and correcting grammatical, spelling, punctuation or syntactical errors. |
There is an opinion that Arabic is a very difficult language. Linguists and translators specialized in Arabic find this opinion stereotypic since such kind of a language does not belong to the Indo-European family of languages and, accordingly, it conforms to entirely different rules in contrast to the Indo-European languages. |
You need to write an article on the words borrowing in English from different languages. 10-12 borrowings will be enough. The main goal is the interesting and unusual borrowings.
We know that many people are looking for bilingual text, while studying a foreign language. Sometimes it is a part of an exercise or necessary for a practical work. It turns out that there are not so many high-quality texts on relevant topics in English, German, Spanish, Chinese with a translation into Russian on the Internet. |
Volunteers decided to attract public attention to Nanaj language extinction problem and establish site devoted studying this language. |
Our editors, who collected data from different CVs of translators and systematized experience of work with freelance translator applicants, we have come to the conclusion that it is possible to identify common features in search, selection and testing of translators seeking to cooperation with our agency.
Around 10 million of Kazakhstan residents and nearly 2 million of people living in other countries (China, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Turkey, Iran) consider this language their native language.
The Natchez are a Native American people who originally lived in the Natchez Bluffs area. They spoke a language isolate that has no known close relatives, although it may be very distantly related to the Muskogean languages of the Creek Confederacy. |
Russian Language Day is celebrated on 6 June, the birthday of famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. |
A new study conducted by psychologist Quentin Atkinson of the University of Auckland. |
A team of academics from Oxford University have been sent to a remote area of Indonesia in order to save a language spoken by only three people. The trio are the last people to speak Dusner, an ancient language spoken in a remote fishing village deep in the jungles of Papua, an Indonesian island. |
Obtaining information, providing assistance and forging relationships are very tough things to do when first meeting people, but it is even tougher when you are in a combat environment and don't speak the language. |
A University of Minnesota professor is trying to beat the clock to finish his masterwork: A dictionary of the origins of some of the most misunderstood words in English. |
Do you have something to write about? We offer an interesting opportunity to publish article, news or opinion on our website. |
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Все публикации написаны редакторами и переводчиками бюро переводов Фларус и сотрудничающими с нами внештатными корреспондентами. Статьи публикуются только на этом сайте с 2009 года. Новости переводов - это платформа для реализации талантов, стремлений и достижений переводчиков и в настоящее время является наиболее популярным источником тематических материалов в рунете.
Многие публикации описывают ситуации из переводческой практики, часто возникающие проблемы и способы их решения. Подписка на ежемесячную рассылку избранных материалов позволит быть в курсе основных событий на рынке перевода, а также помогает переводчикам приобрести опыт, что, в конечном счете, позволяет зарабатывать больше на услугах перевода.
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