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Environmental influence on language

Climate and environment were named as the reasons all the world`s languages differ from one another. This is stated in the report of the American scientists presented at the 170th Congress of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA).

For example, the languages of people living in areas with dense tropical forests are characterized by dominating low frequencies and vowels, because in such medium it is easier to hear each other this way. People living in open spaces, on the contrary, often have clear voices and use consonants more frequently.

The scientists have arrived at such conclusions having studied 633 world languages. The researchers consider the law that they formulated to be a confirmation of the so-called «acoustic adaptation hypothesis». In addition to the landscape, the researchers took into account such factors as the average annual rainfall and temperature, which can also affect the propagation of sound waves in the air.

The hypothesis that the landscape of the area determines the sounds that its inhabitants make was first formulated in regard to birds. The researchers found that singing of certain species of birds is linked to where they live - in the woods or in open spaces.


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Футбольный словарь испанских болельщиков 12182

Испанцы, несомненно, большие поклонники футбола и при любом удобном случае откладывают все свои дела для просмотра того или иного матча. Так, есть целый словарь с футбольными терминами, знание которого понадобится любому, кто желает принять участие в посиделках шумной компании с испанскими поклонниками футбола.

Лингвовикторина по топонимам в разных языках

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"Доверенность / Power of attorney ", Юридический перевод

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