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Philology and literature texts editing

Our proofreaders will help finalize your manuscript and prepare it for publication. Editing consists in checking and correcting grammatical, spelling, punctuation or syntactical errors.

Philipp Konnov
30 March, 2023

proofreading, вычитка

A book, a research paper, a dissertation, a journal article, or a company presentation—editing and proofreading improve the quality of your work. Our editors not only correct the content, but also restructure the sentences.

Our profile: science literature, linguistics, philology, psychology, children`s books and stories, historical literature.

One of the main stages before publication is editing and proofreading. The editor will correct all errors in grammar, punctuation, syntax and spelling, and in this sense the proofreading service also includes the proofreading service. In other words, proofreading is the last stage of editing, and even if the editor has corrected many mistakes, the document must still go through proofreading.

Editing and proofreading of a book may vary depending on various factors. For example, one of the main factors is the genre of the book.

Sometimes the editing process can take several rounds

article, editing, proofreading

The author and editor consistently make changes to the text, consult with each other and comment on other people`s edits.

You can always edit the text yourself or turn to professionals. So you not only get the opinion of a third party, but also his knowledge and experience.


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tags: #вычитка #proofread #proofreading service #journal #author #proofreading #editing #article #psychology #editor #publication #grammar #linguistics #error #mistake #linguist #literature

"Binge-watching" стало словом года в Великобритании 13113

Проводить часы перед телевизором или смотреть целый сезон сериала за раз. Для этого есть специальное слово - "binge-watching". Словарь Collins это оценил.

Весенняя викторина

Каждый третий участник получит по почте сувенир от нашего бюро переводов.

Editing texts generated by a neural network 864

With the development of technology and artificial intelligence, the creation of texts by bots has become increasingly popular. However, even the most advanced algorithm cannot provide complete perfection in the text. Therefore, editing bot texts is becoming an increasingly popular area in the service market.

Editing in economics 1481

Proofreading and editing give authors the opportunity to prepare and submit more professional manuscripts for publication. We provide professional proofreading services for academic papers in economics for professors, lecturers, researchers and students.

Proofreading services for physics articles 1159

It takes months or even years of research to write a dissertation, article in physics. However, at the moment when you type the last word, it will be time to start the second part - editing and proofreading the article.

Translation or proofreading quality assurance 784

We have received many questions from potential clients: how can we guarantee the quality of translation, editing, proofreading, and what to do if errors remain in the text? To be honest, we almost never answer this question. But for a blog post, we`ll try to explain why.

How to choose a journal to publish your work 1143

Browse dozens of magazines before settling on one of them evaluate the compliance of your work with the general theme and style of the magazine.

Write an article for our linguistic blog 2365

You need to write an article on the words borrowing in English from different languages. 10-12 borrowings will be enough. The main goal is the interesting and unusual borrowings.

Proofreading and editing in Arabic 3268

It is believed that the Arabic language is very complicated. Linguists and translators from Arabic explain this stereotype by the fact that this language does not belong to the Indo-European language family and, therefore, is subject to the very different rules than the European languages.

Мәтіндерді редакциялау және оқып түзету қызметтері 5970

Адамға өз қателіктерін емес, басқалардың қателіктерін байқау тән. Сондықтан тәуелсіз тұлғаның мәтінді тексеруі және редакциялауы өте құнды.

Показать еще

شركة ترجمة Бюро за преводи Бюро перакладаў 翻译社 Překladatelská kancelář Übersetzugsbüro Oversættelse bureau Translation and Proofreading Services Agencia de traducciones Käännöstoimisto Бюро переводов Фларус, Москва Agence de traduction მთარგმნელობითი ბიურო Γραφείο μεταφράσεων अनुवाद एजेंसी Prevodilacki biro Fordítóiroda Penerjemahan Biro Agenzia di Traduzioni 翻訳代理店 번역 회사 Аударма бюросы Орчуулгын товчоо Biuro tłumaczeń Agência de tradução Birou de traduceri Преводилачка агенција Prekladateľská agentúra Агентии тарҷумонӣ Tercüme Bürosu Бюро перекладів Văn phòng phiên dịch
Latest translation:
"Обнаружение мелкомасштабной изменчивости лесного полога на спутниковых изображениях / Detection of small-scale forest canopy variability on satellite images ", Геология, геодезия и геофизика

translation tags: частота, изображение, перепад, горизонт.

Translations in process: 74
Current work load: 61%

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Utilisation des données du site, règles de publication

Oxford University Mission To Save A Language Spoken By Three People

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Услуги письменного перевода на кенийский вариант английского языка
В разных странах говорят английском языке, что привело к множеству уникальных его вариантов. Основные отличия кенийского английского от британского варианта языка. В нашем бюро работают переводчики английского языка из разных стран мира.

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Глоссарий по машинной памяти и автоматизации перевода

"Новогодняя" викторина для переводчиков


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